DIY Vegan Meal Planning Kit
A new vegan's step by step guide to always knowing what's for dinner
Get the kit for only $24!
Are you curious about eating a vegan diet but afraid you won't know what to eat?
Want to prepare healthy, home-cooked meals but feel like you're too busy?
Want to save money by eating out less often while still enjoying delicious food?

Tell me if this sounds familiar...
You find a recipe that sounded so good you cant wait to try it. You go to the store and buy all of the ingredients for that one recipe and make it for dinner.
The next day, you realize you have a few random bits of ingredients leftover from the previous night’s recipe, but not enough to really make a new meal.
You’ve already spent 30 or 40 bucks the day before on groceries but find that in order to cook dinner at home you would still have to go BACK to the store again today to get more ingredients.
Repeat. Again and again.
Or maybe...
You actually make a list ahead of time and have a bunch of meals planned. You get to the store and spend a FORTUNE on groceries. You make dinner that night and feel great.
The next day, you remember you had dinner plans with friends and you go out to eat.
The day after that you have to work late and you don’t feel like cooking when you get home.
Days go buy and that lettuce you bought is wilting in the fridge. The tortillas are drying out and bananas are brown.
A week later, you end up throwing out half or more of the groceries you spent your hard-earned money on, while feeling guilty about wasting food.
I understand! I’ve been there...
It's hard finding time for ALL THE THINGS!
That’s exactly why I’ve spent years perfecting a system that will help you prepare healthy meals at home, on your schedule, while sticking to your budget.
The DIY Meal Planning Kit consists of 5 modules
These modules cover everything you need to know in order to stock your kitchen, build a recipe archive, find time to cook and plan and prepare healthy meals.
This kit provides you with the knowledge and tools you need to put together your own meal plans. To get you started, I'm providing you with a complete 1-Week vegan meal plan. I'll walk you through my guide, step by step, showing you exactly how I put it together.
No more wasting food.
No more spending a fortune to make one recipe.
No more wondering what’s for dinner only to end up ordering pizza.
The DIY Meal Planning Kit will provide you with the skills and tools to:
If you do not make time for health now, you will eventually have to make time for disease
Why meal planning is important
Save money.
Preparing your own meals at home can you hundreds of dollars a month.
Save time.
Yes, meal preparation does take time. But it will actually save you time in the long run because you will always have a plan, meaning you will always have meals ready to go throughout the week, to fit your schedule. You won't be scrambling at every meal time to either prepare or order something.
Maintain a sustainable vegan diet.
If you're new to eating a plant-based diet, meal planning will help you sustain a balanced, healthy diet without ever feeling unsure about what to eat.
Build confidence.
These days, more than ever, it's important to know what's in our food. Restaurants dump tons of sugars, fats and salts into their dishes. Cooking at home will give you the confidence that you are nourishing your body with the nutrients you need to thrive.
Food brings people together.
Preparing at home can create an opportunity for quality family time, cooking and sharing meals together.
Are you ready to feel empowered in the kitchen?
PLUS, get these...
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